Are you looking for great bank rates? Maybe you want to learn how to keep a daily budget or shop personal loans? Some type of personal finance situation is always popping up. Finding the right answers to help build your personal net worth is only an Internet click away. We’ve gathered together the top 20 personal finance websites for you. There’s tons of free advice on these pages to help you.
1. GoBankingRates
Any question there is about banking can be answered at GoBankingRates. Learn about financial planners, investment accounts and about mortgages. The site also offers a Life Richer section that has articles about budgeting, finding a side job, and how to file taxes. It takes the world of money and breaks it down to make it easier to understand.
2. CreditKarma
You’ve probably seen the commercials. A person talks about paying to receive a credit score and a friend suggest getting a free credit score from Credit Karma. Yet this site also provides the latest company news and product updates on their blog, The Score. Browse the website columns to drill down on other articles such as finding a good credit score and finance articles. There’s also a Credit Karma community forum if you have a specific question to ask.
3. Mint Blog covers every possible money management angle. You can learn about how to understand your credit score or where to score personal loans. Their blog, Mint Life, offers advice regarding all the budgeting basics no matter where you are in your financial life. Learn how to budget for the holidays, single’s insurance, and so much more.
4.The Balance
The Balance focuses on everything that has to do with personal finance. The site separates topics on four different categories: banking & loans, investment, credit & debt, and retirement planning. It also has a trending topics column with a range of subjects. They offer tips about Bitcoin, health insurance and even online banking.

5. Credit
Just as the name implies, focuses on everything about credit: credit cards, credit scores, credit repair and credit reports. You can also find information regarding loans, including auto loans and personal loans. Make sure to also stop by their blog to see answers to top reader questions, and to find free resource tools.
6. NerdWallet
Have questions about banking, credit cards, mortgages and more? NerdWallet provides you with tips, tricks and free financial tools. You can learn how to perform investments, get auto loans, and anything that has to do with credit cards. The site also offers info for small businesses and students. If you plan to travel in the near future, NerdWallet offers financial advice about that too.
7. WiseBread
WiseBread taps into the community of finance bloggers to bring you the best personal finance advice. Many topics focus on frugal living. Yet you also find advice on credit cards, personal finance, career and life hacks. The bloggers also share best deals and life hacks to simplify your life. Basically, it’s down-to-earth financial advice gleaned from a wide range of bloggers.
8. GetRichSlowly
Personal finance topics don’t always focus on managing money. They can also focus on making money. GetRishSlowly provides money saving advice and financial tips. Started in 2006, the site provides common sense advice that anyone can use. Learn about investment vehicles (CD rates, money market accounts, etc.) as well as how to get out of debt.
9. Money Crashers
Sometimes you might just have a question regarding making a money management decision. Money Crashers provides a community where they can help you make the best financially sound choices. The site focuses on everything that is money related. They have advice on student finances, investing, real estate and so much more.
Award winning personal finance journalist Jean Chatzky wants to make the world a financially-easier place for the younger generation. Her website,, focuses her discussions on everyday financial topics. Some topics include self-employment finances, filing taxes, and finding the right credit card. She also engages in speaking appearances and financial wellness programs.
11. MyMoneyBlog
At MyMoneyBlog, author Jonathan takes a different approach when talking about personal finance. He uses his own financial portfolio to teach about investments and wealth management. He also talks about current financial news, savings, banking and other topics. You can also find a range of everyday deals to make your life easier.
12. Millennialmoney
When it comes to money management, people are starting at a younger age. Millennialmoney offers personal financial tips and advice so people can retire at an early age. It provides a community of entrepreneurs, investors and personal finance bloggers. You can learn how to make and save money, find side hustles, and reach financial independence.
13. Womenwhomoney
Empowering women to reach their financial health and potential is what the WomenWhoMoney site offers. You can find articles and tips about saving money and eliminating debt. This community also answers money questions that you may have based on your particular financial journey. The site aspires to encourage women to build their financial wealth and become successful entrepreneurs.

14. Smartasset
People have a range of different assets in their life, such as a home or savings account. Managing these assets is easier thanks to SmartAsset. This site provides money tools and resources to help with investments, real estate purchases, getting bank accounts, obtaining credit cards and other topics. You can learn smart financial advice to build and grow your personal wealth.
15. SuperMoney
SuperMoney works a little different from other financial sites. Instead of browsing the topics that most interest you, it provides specialized answers. Tell them about a financial goal, and the site offers several options. Then a person can compare the options to select the one the best fits the financial situation. Afterward, you receive competing product offers based on that selected option.
16. Money to the Masses
Author Damien had a goal. He wanted to teach as many people as possible how to reach financial success just like he did. Money to the Masses shows people how to get out of debt and avoid financial turmoil. You can read topics about owning a home, using credit, taxes, saving for the future, and other subjects.
17. Modest Money
Investments and stocks can be a confusing financial world. Modest Money brings clarity to the stock market so you don’t have to take classes in investing to understand. The site provides investment resources, breaking investment news and investing tips. The contributors to Modest Money provides advice on how to build personal finances by making smart investments.

18. $5 Dinners
Meals cost a pretty penny, especially if you have a large family. Erin Chase’s $5 Dinners will shows you how to keep your meal costs low during grocery shopping and meal preparation. You’ll be amazed that you can create healthy meals while spending five dollars or less. So keep more money in your bank account while keeping your family fed well.
19. Afford Anything
At Afford Anything, you learn that you can indeed afford whatever you want, but not everything at one time. The site is designed to teach you about growing your wealth. It features articles from entrepreneurs who tell about their own stories about financial independence. You also learn about building wealth through investments and passive real estate income.
20. Couple Money
Many financial sites and blogs focus on building individual wealth. Couple Money offers tips and advice on how couples can manage their combined finances and assets. Couples can read free money guides and find tools to help fight debt. Since money can be the one obstacle that creates a lot of stress for couples, Couple Money provides tools to make money management easier for spouses.

Blaine Koehn is a former small business manager, long-time educator, and seasoned consultant. He’s worked in both the public and private sectors while riding the ups-and-downs of self-employment and independent contracting for nearly two decades. His self-published resources have been utilized by thousands of educators as he’s shared his experiences and ideas in workshops across the Midwest. Blaine writes about money management and decision-making for those new to the world of finance or anyone simply sorting through their fiscal options in complicated times.