Since personal loans can be used for pretty much anything, it is not odd to consider on for major appliances. The problem is that most people jump into a personal loan for major appliances without thinking it through or really needing one. Quite often, this is either because they are desperate or, like I mentioned earlier, are convinced that the appliance is a necessity right at that moment.But of course, there are times when there are good reasons for using personal loans.
As you can see from my story, necessity is relative to the individual’s or family’s opinion. If you deem an appliance as immediately necessary, no one should try to convince you otherwise as priorities are different in every home. If you choose to get a personal loan for major appliances, you will be in good company as many others do the same. Make sure you assess the situation and find your reasons for getting a personal loan.
Personal Loan for Major Appliances
Getting a personal loan for major appliances is a completely personal choice– along with your spouse or significant other, of course. The key is really to just think it through. Jumping into any kind of debt without careful consideration is not a good idea. Also, some things are not worth financing. When making the decision, you should really consider your current budget. Can you afford an extra payment every month? Many people’s budgets are stretched to the max already. Adding in another payment would cause some severe problems. This does not necessarily mean you should give up. There are advantages to getting a personal loan. That loan just might help you in more ways than one if you make wise moves.
If your budget is stretched due to other debts that you are currently repaying, you might consider getting a loan that would consolidate those debts and pay for your appliances. This type of move could let you breathe while making lower payments with lower interest.
As I said, you need to be wise with this, so before you make this move, be sure that the interest rates of the personal loan and the payments for the loan are lower than what you are paying now. Otherwise, you will continue your debt cycle.
Pros and Cons of a Personal Loan for Major Appliances
As with all things in life, there are pros and cons to getting a personal loan for major appliances. On the positive side, you can replace your major appliance very quickly. Instead of paying it all up front, you get to spread the cost of the appliance over a number of months or years, depending on the specified repayment terms. The interest rates of a personal loan for major appliances are generally much lower than credit cards and other options, so you save some cash. On top of all of those benefits, if you make your payments as you should, you will improve your credit.
The downside to a personal loan for major appliances is simply having a debt you have to repay. Debt interferes with budgets and usually puts financial goals on hold. And, even with low-interest rates, you are still paying interest, and possibly fees. Also, if you do not pay your payments as you should, you will mess your credit up. Something nobody needs. Repaying debt can be a real struggle.
Alternatives to a Personal Loan for Major Appliances
Before running to your local lender, take a step back and consider these alternatives to getting a personal loan for major appliances:
I know not everyone has family or friends that can or will help them out, but it never hurts to ask. Maybe they cannot front you the cash, but they just might be getting rid of what you need. They also might know someone who is selling what you need for cheap. No, they will not be brand new, but if they work, you can utilize them until you can save the money.
Credit cards can be used for major appliances, if you have enough available credit, but it might not be the best choice. Some credit cards charge higher interest rates than lenders do, and the interest compounds every month. On the other hand, if you are in an introductory 0% interest phase, the credit card would be your best bet provided you pay off the appliances before the introductory phase is over.
Of course, you can always work to pay for your major appliances. Pick up some extra shifts or a second job. Here is another secret for you: if you can find a job waiting tables somewhere, you can make it pretty quick. If you go to a restaurant that keeps a really steady stream of customers and take good care of your tables, you can make hundreds over one weekend. It is not a job you want to do forever because it is a stressful job and can break your body down if you are not careful.
However, picking up a couple of shifts on the weekends for a while can help you reach a lot of your financial goals quickly. When I went through my appliance meltdown a few months ago, I was tempted to go back to serving myself. I knew from experience that I could have the cash in my hand to pay for all four appliances in three weeks or less. As my health is one of my top priorities, though, I opted to focus my attention in other areas.
If you did not know, here’s a secret for you: thrift stores and second-hand stores are awesome. You can find all kinds of affordable goodies in them. Of course, you want to clean them up when you get home, but if they work, cleaning is a small price to pay for an affordable appliance. With the money you save, you can pay a teenager or college student $20 to clean it for you if you want.
Do not just look at thrift stores, though. Ask around for little family-owned businesses in your area. We have one close by that fixes up old appliances and resells them for affordable prices. Sometimes, if they have the space for it, they will take your old one to fix and resell while giving you a discount on your new ones. Check around for similar stores in your neighborhood.
Where to Get a Personal Loan for Major Appliances
You have a lot of loan places you can utilize to find a personal loan for major appliances, other than traveling all over your city. The following are some of the categories:

☛Online Loan Places
Applying for fast loans online is extremely simple and convenient- and totally free since you do not have to spend gas money. You can find online loan places to help you with your situation. There are lenders online for all credit types and all borrower situations, though some may require some collateral from you if your credit history is unsatisfactory.
One of my favorite parts of doing anything online is that I can do it at anytime: while I am sitting at my kids’ dentist appointments, while I am finally getting to catch up on the latest episodes of The Blacklist and Hawaii Five-O, or when I have been working all day and finally have a moment at 3 a.m. The accessibility and convenience are two great reasons you should consider applying online. You can do so right here on Loanry.
☛Retailer Financing and Store Credit Cards
Another great place to find a consumer loan is through the retailer themselves. Major retailers are often connected with lenders that can help get you the items you need. Like credit cards, you have to pay attention to the terms and interest rates here. At times, retailer financing can be your best bet because they run specials that offer 0% interest for certain time periods, even up to five years.
Here is the secret though: those lenders offer that promotion to get you to borrow, and you will get that time period without interest. However, they feel comfortable offering such a long period interest-free because most consumers do not pay the financing off in that time period. If you take advantage of an offer like this, pay more than the required payment each month so that you can pay it off during the promotional period.
Additionally, many large retailers have store credit cards. When you find the appliance you want, look around for a retailer that has financing available. Compare the interest and terms to that of your credit card and a personal loan for major appliances to choose the best avenue of financing.
☛Banks and Community Credit Unions
Banks and credit unions are always an option, but banks tend to have more stringent requirements for loans. Try your local credit union as they are dedicated to helping their community as much as possible. One way they do this is by lowering the requirements of loans, so they are an option for more people. You might find that you can get a good loan with great terms from your community credit union.
Major appliances do play a major role in our lives. If you are extremely accustomed to having an appliance and it suddenly stops working, it can feel a lot like missing a part of yourself. You suddenly have to figure out how to live without it. That can be difficult when you have no alternatives available at the time. Even at your most desperate times, try not to make any rash decisions.
Getting a personal loan for major appliances now just to lose it for non-payment in a couple of weeks is not going to help you one bit. Same goes for any loan. Even if you want to get something else, like a loan for a computer, think carefully about the reasons for getting a personal loan.
Instead of acting out of emotion, think through your situation logically and analytically. If you must, ask yourself what advice you might give a friend if they were going through the same situation that you are. Quite often, people on the outside can see things that those on the inside cannot. So, looking at it from a different perspective might help you come to a better solution. However, if you absolutely must or choose to get a personal loan for major appliances, be wise about it by carefully considering the terms of the loan.

Brandy Woodfolk is an educator, home business owner, project manager, and lifelong learner. After a less than stellar financial upbringing, Brandy dedicated her schooling and independent studies to financial literacy. She quickly became the go-to among family, friends, and acquaintances for everything finance. Her inner circle loves to joke that she is an expert at “budgeting to the penny”. Brandy dedicates a large portion of her time to teaching parents how to succeed financially without sacrificing time with their little ones. She also teaches classes to homeschooled teenagers about finances and other life skills they need to succeed as adults.
Brandy writes about smart money management and wealth building in simple and relatable ways so all who wish to can understand the world of finance.